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Have a look at your life, one post at a time.



Hello baby -

Friday. Waiting. You made me work a full week! Not a good start, let me tell ya. Mom and I wake up the same way every day, in a state of catatonic restlessness. Yesterday I spent 90% of my day on the phone working through some stuff while mom toiled away on the couch. I used my dresser as a standing desk and took this selfie because my fit was feeling very Alan Matthews. Mom ended up going for lunch with Aunt Cindy and then at night we decided we needed to get out of the house.

Preparing for you, mom is stocking up on comfy maternity clothes and we had a few things to exchange at Macy’s so we went over to that part of the island. I was in the mood for steak so we went to Outback for dinner and then after Macy’s went to Dick’s Sporting Goods to see if we could get our hands on a yoga ball but they didn’t have one. Very strange.

Look at pretty mom (please note the lighting in Outback is not conducive to photos).


That about sums up our day. Please come today, thank you.

Love you big time,


P.S. I came back to share a few pics of Fit God Alan Matthews I took last night as we were watching Boy Meets World. Guy perfected the henley under a slightly oversized button down. They’re blurry because it’s TV but I did the best I could.



